
crying tutors

“I, myself is the only person who can help me conquer my weaknesses. I am willing to risk going too far just to find out how far I can go...AJA!”- a realization by Vanessa, one of my colleagues.

How does it feel making other people cry because of something you said? Will you be so guilt-ridden after all? I have made tutors cried, once, twice, or even more than thrice—and that I think becomes a big part of my job—producing crying tutors. But seeing them cry is in a way fulfilling and compensating it’s because the tears that linger in their eyes unfold their realizations.

As a training manager, I let them know their weak and strong points, but more emphasis is given to weak points. I let them realize that those points are vital for their growth, personal and professional. I always reiterate to them that having a constant pursuit in search of growth entails painstaking and tough struggles, so giving-up is a big NO NO.

So dare, explore, learn, and grow!

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